Dani Chaparro
Director of “Consonance”
PROGRAM 3 – Saturday, November 9, 2019 at 7pm
What inspired you to make Consonance?
I wanted to make this project as encouragement and reminder to share our most intimate truths, especially our isolating feelings with others, whether that be in conversation or through media. Books and films have helped me discover things about my own mental health and provided me with language to describe my emotions. I wanted to make a film that was both an homage to those connections and a continuation of that process. I hope Consonance offers options for relief to those struggling to articulate how they are feeling, and to remind us that there are infinite opportunities for kindness and empathy in relationships and in media we consume.
What was the greatest joy or happy surprise while making this film?
How much love and care was put in by each person who helped support the project or lend their talents to the creation of it. Feeling like a team helped me attack those same isolating feelings I wrote about in the script.
What was the greatest challenge or fear while making this film?
The greatest challenge was putting the actors in dark spaces, and finding a unique vocabulary to share these feelings with each performer in a way they connected to. Exploring whether we related on certain shared experiences, imagery, music, or moods was a challenge I had to accept during filmmaking. Hearing how others in different situations felt similarly also became the most fruitful part of this process.
What’s next for you as a filmmaker or as an artist?
Grad school, theater design, and more challenges that break me open!
Directed by Dani Chaparro
PROGRAM 3 – Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 7pm
Roxie Theater
A queer-directed, acted, and produced experimental film that meditates on a quote by James Baldwin.
*To purchase tickets for this program, be sure to click on “Sat Nov 9 2019 7:00PM” from the drop down menu.